Friday, September 10, 2010

Integrity. Accountability. Run:Response Short.

It's a lot easier to wake up in the morning knowing that you have a commitment to others to show up.  That is exactly what got my butt to crossfit at 6am this morning.  I knew that I had people counting on me to be there, and if I didn't show up I'd be letting them down.  It's all about integrity and accountability.

And that is exactly what got me doing kettlebell swings and burpees at the crack of dawn with a smile on my face...I was showing up for my lovely lululemonheads! and Kimo, of course, our ambassador from Hardassfitness! Whose awesome and amazing, and was a champ for showing up on his day off to do the workout with us.  Thanks Kimo!

Well, besides all the FUN we had, we got our butts kicked...literally! The entire workout was kettle bell swings and burpees. Oh, and guys without their shirts on (just a little added detail), in lululemon's uh-mazing Run: Response Shorts. And they looked good too!

Great people. Great workout. Great day!

I was on a high the rest of the day. Not exactly sure why because I was beat after that class.  My shoulders, my butt, I couldn't walk at work. Who am I kidding? I still can't!  I'm trying to move but every muscle in my body hurts, from my head all the way down to my feet.  I feel like an old lady, and it's only the first week!

Physically I'm exhausted, but nothing is going to stop me. I'm on a high!

Integrity. Accountability. Run:Response Short!

Day 4. Done!

yoga tomorrow, whose coming?

1 comment:

  1. let's see some photos of those run:response shorts, eh?
