Monday, September 13, 2010

Plan Ahead. Pencil It In!

Day 8.

I made it to week 2...yay!! 

Now that wasn't my immediate reaction, a feeling of excitement and enthusiasm, as I thought about working out this morning.  Instead I felt completely exhausted, physically exhausted.  My quads were SORE. I felt them as soon as I rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom. And that only made me want to get back into bed and SLEEP!  I didn't know what I was going to do, I had no plan for today's workout.  

In my head I was thinking... I could go to an 11:00 a.m. yoga class, but that would be cutting it to close to work. I could run and get my workout over with, but the sun is out already.  Or maybe if I hurried up I could make the 8:00 a.m. yoga class, but I had to get ready now.  I even thought, maybe I'll workout when I finish work at 10 p.m.  (Was that really going to happen? Probably not.)  All these thoughts were going through my mind as I tried to decide what I was going to do for the day.  I had nothing set in stone as to what my workout would be.  Last week I had something scheduled everyday.  I knew what class I was taking, what time the class was, who I was meeting, where we were meeting, EVERYTHING. Even if it wasn't a scheduled class, I knew what I was going to do for the day.  Everything was planned... no time for contemplation, just execution!

So finally I made up my mind and went for a run, sun factor and all.  It was 11 a.m. and the sun was out, but I couldn't make any excuses about it being too hot or being dehydrated because I knew I could do it and I HAD TO! 

Heading back home!
I put my lululemon seek-the-peek shorts on, got my iPod jams going, shoes on, and went for a run.  A 4.5 mile run.  I started with my usual Lanikai loop then ventured out to Kailua Beach Park and the surrounding neighborhoods.  It was a gorgeous day, sunshine and light trades!  Making for a perfect run! 

A beautiful beginning to week #2.  Besides the rough start of actually getting out of bed and doing something.  Better planning next time!  

Lesson learned: Plan Ahead and make it a part of your daily routine. Pencil it in!

Day 8. Done!

Tomorrow is Jill's with Leslie. Soooo excited, can't wait!

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