Saturday, September 18, 2010

Zumba. Yoga. Fitness Gone Bad!

Day 13.

Today started with a Zumba class at Kailua Movement Studio with Coco.  I personally have a hard time doing zumba because I end up watching everyone and forget to do the moves too.  Ooops, sorry! I can't help it I get distracted easily.  After, Coco and I went to the Contemporary Museum for some yoga on their absolutely gorgeous outdoor terrace. It's awesome!

Before we set up the mats.
I was pooped after my yoga session with Coco, man she makes you hold your postures.  But you can't beat the setting.  It was a beautiful day to practice yoga outside, perfect weather with a few misty rainfalls here and there, which added to the overall experience of practicing yoga outdoors. I was ready for a nap after this practice...I didn't want to get out of savasana (corpse pose).

So, I headed home for a quick nap before i got my butt kicked at Jack and Danyelle's house.  They train out of their home, check it out fitness gone bad.  We had all the girls working out today, even his nieces...I love it! Its the best way to work out, with family and whole lot of laughing! Not to mention that his niece, Halie, does amazing burpees and she's only in 5th grade.  Training 'em young! 

Danyelle and Aunty Flora lululemon'd out.

It was a great workout. Danyelle and I did the workout together, and of course couldn't help but have a few laughs in between sets.  Aunty Flora breezed through her workout in no time, what a champ! I was breathing heavily and my arms were fatigued by the first exercise (75 burpees) and it was only the beginning.  This was our WOD:

75 Burpees
60 AB Mat sit-ups
50 Kettle Bell Swings
40 Ring Pulls
30 Push-ups 

That's it.... no big deal!  Yah right... I was dying!!

Not so sure I made it off the ground after number 5 with 70 more to go!
Aunty Flora showing us how its done!
Kettle Bell Swings.
"its a workout just holding your arms up" -Lauren
Oh the joys of working out!

It was so much fun, and can't wait for round 3. It really is fun when you're surrounded by great company, and a glass of Danyelle's sweet and refreshing iced tea to cool off!

It doesn't get any better then this -- Coco's yoga class & fitness gone bad 'ohana style!!

Thank you Danyelle and Jack!

Day 13. Done!

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